Foreclosure Prevention Workshop
For Homeowners
Sponsored by the Pima County
Foreclosure Prevention Coalition

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Foreclosure Prevention Workshop Pima County

Saturday, October 11, 2008
9:30 am to 2:00 pm
Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center
1660 W. Ruthrauff Road, Tucson, AZ
*Located where Wetmore turns into Ruthrauff,
just west of Flowing Wells Road
If you are facing foreclosure come to a free workshop
where non-profit housing counselors will guide you
through steps that may save your home.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords will provide an
update on actions recently taken by Congress to
address the foreclosure crisis.

Questions? Contact:
Don’t Borrow Trouble® Pima County
(520) 792-3087 or

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