The Tucson Money Faire is a special event designed to provide low to moderate income consumers with direct access to affordable, friendly and fair financial products, services and information. This year we are adding foreclosure workshops to the event as well.   Attached is the TMF Flyer and registration form

Participation in the event could include any combination of the following: staffing an information table, showcasing your specific products, programs and/or services, highlighting alternatives to and/or information on alternative options to high cost loans.

The fee to participate in the Tucson Money Faire community event is $375.00 to offset costs associated with planning a community event. In-kind contributions such as printing, event outreach, participation in planning and steering committee meetings can cover the participation fee. In addition, scholarships are available for nonprofit service organizations upon request. Just fill out the form and return by email, mail or fax. Participation Deadline: Monday November 3rd 2008

The Tucson Money Faire is a fun, exciting and extremely important community event. In the previous two years the following organizations have stepped forward to offer up fair, friendly financial services, products and information to modest income working families in our community.

Alliance Bank of Arizona , Access Tucson, Arizona Attorney General Office of Consumer Fraud,

Wells Fargo, Compass Bank, Arizona Center for Consumer Education, Arizona Federal Credit Union, Arizona Saves, Better Business Bureau of Tucson, Don’t Borrow Trouble® Pima County, Chicanos Por La Causa, Family Housing Resources, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, HUD, Hughes Federal Credit Union, Pio Decimo, Access Tucson, Southwest Center for Economic Integrity, Southwest Fair Housing Council,Southwest Gas,  Tucson Electric Power, TMM Family Services,Tucson Weed & Seed Neighborhood Coalitions, YWCA of Tucson women & money, United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona

Let me know if you have any questions and Please join us on Saturday November 15th.

Thank you, Tucson Money Faire  Steering Committee

Cheri Horbacz
Dont Borrow Trouble ® Pima County
Project Manager
2030 E Broadway #106
Tucson, Az  85719
Phone 520.792-3087
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