Arizona Foreclosure Prevention Task Force Meeting

April 10, 2008
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m

The Hope Center, FIBCO - 1141 E. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona

This event is free of cost; however, advanced registration is required.

Questions? Contact Jan Bontrager, Regional Manager, 415-974-3370.

Event Description

The Arizona Foreclosure Prevention Task Force was created to reduce residential foreclosures in Arizona and the impact of foreclosure on families and communities.

Your participation is needed to help find solutions.

April 10th Task Force Meeting Agenda

I. Welcome to The Hope Center, Shawn Pierson

II. Message from the Governor’s Office

III. Update from Arizona Department of Housing, Carl Kinney

IV. The Impact Foreclosures leave on Neighborhoods

V. Committee Updates
a. Education, Cheri Horbacz Erik Walters
b. Outreach, Emma Garcia
c. Political Regulations, Andrew Loubert
d. Funding, Sandra Simmons

VI. Stakeholder Break Out Group Discussions

a. Community Management
b. Faith-based Groups
c. Realtors
d. Lender/Servicers
e. Social Service and/or Housing Counseling Agencies

VII. Report Back

VIII. Next Steps

IX. Adjourn

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